Josh & Jacqui Wang


I grew up on the sunny island of Singapore as an only child with two loving parents. Growing up in a meritocratic society, the idea that your worth lies in how smart or competent you are was steeped into the very core of my being. The mascot for my middle school was Athena, goddess of wisdom.

I came to UC Berkeley my freshman year with the mission to prove my worth by graduating in three years with a double major. It was here that I really started to  pay attention to God's word and was struck by the truth and wisdom in the Bible about life, about me. I learned that my Creator considered me to be worth the life of His Son, that I didn't need to prove anything for Him to love me. After making Jesus my Lord and Savior I now have a new mission in life to share this good news with others.

Since I started to follow Jesus, it's been a great adventure. I've had the privilege of ministering to college students, to youth, to international students and after four years in the surfing town of Santa Cruz I moved to the city of Boston to help start the church here. It's been exciting but I miss all the relationships I left in Santa Cruz as well.

If you were to visit Singapore one day, I would recommend you try the chili crab and the bbq sting ray. If you were to visit Santa Cruz one day, I would recommend you walk along the beautiful West Cliff drive. It's my favorite place to soak in God's creation and pray. If you come to Boston one day, I'll take you on the Freedom Trail.

Myers Briggs: INFP. INFPs want to save the world but can't find their car keys. My husband would agree :)


In 2002, I came into UC Berkeley as a theater major from NYC who was always trying to be in the limelight and had a 5x8 glamour shot of myself on my desk (which thankfully was never digitized and has been lost forever).  But in college, God not only found me and saved me, but He gave me a life vision worth going all in for, and He made me part of a people to do it together with.

19 years later, my family and I moved back to the East Coast from California, where my wife Jacqui and I had been leading a campus ministry at UC Santa Cruz for the last four years, while raising two boys (10 & 6).  Now we’re serving in Boston, with 90 other brothers and sisters who’ve also uprooted and moved here with us!  One of these people is my best friend Joe (see his bio here), who’s a fellow East-Coast-er, was one of the first people I met in 2002 as a freshman, was my roommate for four years, and now is not only a fellow church planter in Boston, but my next door neighbor.  One of my favorite traits about Joe is his roundhouse kick.

Likes: Outside of heaven and family, a few of my favorite things are volleyball, basketball, board games, Excel, the sous-vide (as in sous-vide chicken breast, salmon, pork loin, poached eggs, steak, ask for the recipe and you shall receive), and giving dating and marriage advice. 

Jacqui’s Avengers Enneagram type: Scarlet Witch.

Josh’s Avengers Enneagram type: Vision. 

Clearly, it was meant to be.